Friday 27 July 2012

Making Decisions

How to make a decision

So to make good decisions you need to: feel?

Learn to trust your instincts. Don't always insist on 'logical' reasons for everything, such as why to get the silver rather than blue car. Learn to say: 'Because it feels right.'

But don't be tempted to automatically go with greed driven decisions because of strong emotion and then try to flatter yourself with after-the-event justification and rationalisations. Intuitive decision making works best when the distorting effects of emotion are kept to a minimum.

When you do base decision making on weighing up the pros and cons, use your imagination. Really sit down and envisage living with the decision. How does that feel?

Remember, some decisions won't make sense to other people – and that may be OK. Most medical advances (open heart surgery, for one) were instigated by people who decided to follow what seemed like crazy ideas to others at the time.

Don't beat yourself up if you do make a 'wrong' decision. You can learn
 from it and hey – you are human!

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